The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2025)

a a MAY 29, 1931 Telephone ATlantic 3111 THE MINNEAPOLIS STAR. SEVEN NEWS OF SOCIETY Younger Set Entertains at Dinner Tonight Before Northrop Junior, Senior Dance at Minikahda Club Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Southall, Dr. and Mrs.

G. Elmer Strout and Mrs. Frank Knoblauch Among Chaperones of the younger set atMEMBERS tending Northrop Collegiate school will be hostesses at dinners preceding the annual, dance tonight at Minikahda club or will entertain at suppers at their homes following the dance. Miss Bell Connell, daughter of Dr. Mrs.

John Connell, 1608 Sally, W. Twenty-fifth street, a member of the senior class, will be hostess to a group of classmates at dinner at her home formal. Miss Elizabeth Junkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P.

Junkin, 1819 Emerson Avenue will entertain a group of 50 young people at her home after the dance. She also is a member of the senior class. Miss Gertrude Swanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John K.

Swanson, 1787 Knox avenue will entertain a seniors at 'her home at a group dinner before the dance. Miss Georgiana Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ams, 2411 W. Twenty-first street, will be hostess to A group of juniors at dinner before the formal Miss Mary Fisher, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold C. Fisher, 2456 W. Twenty- fourth street, will entertain a group of members of her class at dinner preceding the function. Chaperones will be Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick D. Southall, Dr. and Mrs. G.

Elmer Strout, Mrs. Frank Knoblauch, Miss Elizabeth Carse, Miss Victoria C. Bagier and Miss Elizabeth Sadley. Miss Mary Knoblauch, president of the Junior class, and a committee have charge of the rangements. MRS.

STEVENSON, FAMILY, TO GO ABROAD Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stevenson and their daughter, Miss Audree Kay, and son, Ward of 2211 Kenwood parkway, will sail on June 10 for Europe. They will go to Vienna where Mr.

Stevenson will attend the convention of Rotary International AB governor of the Ninth district. They will tour the continent and to return to Minneapolis the pect latter part of August. son's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T.

E. Cassill, will occupy their home during the summer months. INVITATIONS TO PASCHEN, DAHLEN WEDDING ISSUED Invitations were issued by, Mr. and Mrs. George F.

Paschen, 1793 Ashland avenue, St. Paul, for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Patricia, to Marshall H. Marjorie Dahlen, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.

H. Dahlen, 1620 Penn avenue The of Miss Paschen and Mr. marriage Dahlen will take place at 8 p.m. Frievening, June 12, in Olivet Conday church, Iglehart and gregational Dewey avenues, St. Paul.

MRS. MURPHY WITH SON TAKE EUROPEAN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley H. Murphy of Minneapolis, and their small son, have been stopping at The SherryNetherland, Fifth avenue, New York.

sailed yesterday on the LeviaThey than, for Europe. MISS HELEN M. LEE SAILS FOR ENGLAND Miss Helen Morris Lee, daughter Rev. and Mrs. William C.

Lee of of 1810 Fremont avenue will leave Monday evening for New York to sail for England on the S. S. De Grasse on Thursday. After a few in and the north of days Miss Lee will sail from England don for Tokio, Japan. She will go Gibraltar and Holy Lands, Java via, other points and will arrive in Japan to teach for the next two years in the Aoyama school in Tokio.

Miss Lee for the past eight years has been teaching in the English deof the Summit School 1 for partment Girls at St. Paul. She is a graduate of West High, Hamline university, Columbia, and has taken special work at Oxford university. She was an exchange teacher in England for one year. Miss Lee expects to return to the United States in two years, and will take the return voy.

age on the Pacific. MRS. THORNTON, NIECE GIVE HOUSE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Martin E.

Thornton, 69 Otis street, St. Paul, their niece, Miss Margaret A. Doyle, will entertain seven couples at a house party for Memorial day and Sunday at their cabin on Moose Lake in northern Minnesota. MRS. PERCY COWIN TO SPEND WEEK IN CITY Mrs.

Percy Cowin (Helen Jordan) of Birmingham, has arrived in Minneapolis and will spend a week as the guest of her father, Dr. C. M. Jordan at the Hampshire Arms. MISS MARY F.

GRAHAM WEDS FRANK McCORMICK The marriage of Miss Mary Frances Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levin C. Graham, 812 Sev. enth street S.E., and Frank T.

McCormick, son of Frank T. McCormick of Wilkes Barre, will take place at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at Grace church in New York City. The wedding will be a simple ceremony and Miss Graham and Mr. McCormick will be unattended.

Immediately after the service they will leave for a wedding trip to Bermuda. They will make their home in New York City after June 20. Miss Graham's aunt, Miss Irma Graham, her cousin, Mrs. N. F.

Pilchard, her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. F. W.

C. Webb and her cousins, John and Joe Gundy, all of Salisbury, and a cousin. Miss Eleanor Graham of Roland Park, Baltimore, will attend the eremony. -Grahams is a graduate of the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority Sisters Announce Secret Marriages Photo for The Star by Lee Bros. MRS.

LeMAR STROMBOTNE Strombotne (Dorothy Richards), a member of to announcement made at the sorority house at Alpha Sigma Phi. Wilson (Elizabeth Yeoman), also an Alphi Chi been made known to her sorority sisters. Both Rho fraternity. The couple will be at home in Miss Alice Mann Becomes Bride of Corum Alexander Couple Will Make Home in Kirkwood, Following Trip Mrs. cording longs, Mrs.

to has just to Sigma MISS ALICE DOROTHY MANN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mann, 1801 Logan avenue came the bride of Corum D. Alexander of St.

Louis, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lindley Alexander of Mecklenburg and Cobarrus counties, North Carolina, at 8 p.m. yester. day in the lounge of the Woman's club.

Dr. Zech Ford Bond of Chicago read the service at an improvised altar of palms, cybotium ferns, white lilacs and lighted tapers. Clyde Stephen, pianist, and Karl Scheurer, violinist, played a pronuptial music. The attendants were Miss Julia Thorpe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

S. S. Thorpe, and John Howard Withey of Minneapolis. Miss Thorpe wore a Maggie Rouff model of Mimosa crepe Elizabeth with an instep-length skirt which flared from the knees and a tight fitting bodice with deep cut back. She wore sandals to match and carried Pernet roses and lavender stocks.

Chantal model of deep cream A double chiffon was worn by the bride. The bodice had long sleeves and a cowl neckline, while a long train was formed from the skirt to sweep the floor. Her veil of deep cream net fell from a cap of Brussels lace. Her bouquet was of calla lilies and pale cream stocks. An informal reception followed the The bride's table was set ceremony.

with crystal and centered with bouthe quet of white while snap lilacs dragons, and lilies swain- of valley, sonii. Mrs. Mann, mother of the bride, wore a Chanel model of Cobalt blue chiffon with insets of Alen-: con lace to match. Her bouquet was the Johannahill roses, lilies of the of valley and swainsonii. Mr.

and Mrs. Alexander will make their home in Kirkwood, after 1. They have left for a wedJuly ding trip Pacific coast. MRS. PEARL T.

CUMMINGS ADDRESSES PARENT GROUP Mrs. Pearl T. Cummings of the University Institute of Child Welfare, will lead a parent group meetat Lennox school, St. Louis Park, Wednesday, at 2 p. with the topic, "Developing Self Reliance in the School Child," and a group studying the adolescent with Dr.

Esther McGinnis of the Institute staff will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock in John Marshall high school to discuss "Sex Education for the Older Child." The last in a series of radio talks sponsored by the Nursery school of the Institute of Child Welfare will be given Thursday morning, May 27, at 10:30 o'clock over station WLB. Mrs. Edith Davis, will talk on "Books for the Older Child." series, known as the Mothers' hour, will probably be resumed in the fall. GROUPS FROM CATHOLIC LEAGUE TO MEET MONDAY A joint meeting of the Girls' club and Trianon club, young men's group, of the Junior Catholic a League will be held Monday evening, preceded by a dinner at six o'clock. Following a short entertainment, the program for the Fall season will be discussed and a plans made for a semiformal dancing party to be sponsored by both groups during June.

Miss Mae Doyle will preside at the meet. ing, assisted by Frank Moan, president of the Trianon club. The dancing party will be the last social event of the season. All activ. ities at the club including classes, have been discontinued until September.

A girls' diamond team participating in the Municipal League, and will be active until Taly, Regents' Unit, D. A. Will Elect Officers for Year at Annual Meeting on Wednesday Report of Extension Work Done at Veterans' Mospital, Fort Snelling, to Be Given by Mrs. F. H.

Wackerman University of Minnesota and a ber of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Mr. McCormick is a graduate of Yale university. club their CHEMISTRY SCHOOL. WILL HAVE FIRST ANNUAL PARTY The first annual dance for students in the school of chemistry at the university will take place this evening in Shevlin hall.

Eugene Bundul, social chairman of the "Class of '33," newly organized club in the school, is in charge of the dance. Chaperones will include Dr. Lillian Cohen, Professor and Mrs. M. C.

Sneed and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Maynard.

Patrons and patronesses include Dean Ora M. Leland of the college of engineering and architecture, and Mrs. Leland; Dr. S. C.

Lind, director of the school of chemistry, and Mrs. Lind. MRS. ZARMBUISKY AND FAMILY TAKE TRIP Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Zarmbuisky, 3339 Washington avenue and family left Tuesday morning for Alberta, Can. Mr. Zarmbuisky and his son will return home in a few weeks while Mrs. Zarmbuisky and her daughter, Miss Dorothy, will remain for a longer period. Mrs.

PLANS ARE MADE FOR Mrs. ANNUAL SENIOR DANCE The annual senior dance given in honor of members of the graduating class at the university will take place June 5 in the Casino at the St. Paul hotel. Dancing will begin at 10 p. arm.

and special entertainment teatures are being arranged. A "cap and gown" motif will be used. Preceding the dance the seniors will take part in the traditional tree planting ceremony and will attend the annual reception which President and Mrs. Lotus D. Coffman will give at their home on Fifth street S.

E. The committee in charge of the dance includes Richard Jones, chair. man, Rolf Fosseen, Marvel Fairbanks, the Misses Bernadine Courtney Mary Katherine Fazendin and Bernetta Perron. MIRS. ASA McCLUSKEY GIVES BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs.

Asa McCluskey, 3222 Humboldt avenue was hostess yesterday at a bridge luncheon for Miss Verenice Pomerleau, 320 University avenue N. whose marriage to Frederick Trump of Baltimore, formerly of Minneapolis, will take place June 6 in Baltimore. A pink and white color scheme was used for decorations. DE LA SALLE PATRONESS SOCIETY SPONSORS PARTY Patroness society of De La Salle high school sponsored a farewell program in honor of Brother Richard, director, and Brothers Eugene and James, members of faculty, Wednes. day evening, in the school auditor.

ium. Mrs. J. J. Kasel, president of the society, acted as hostess, patroness, Mmes.

F. W. Liemandt, J. P. McHugo, H.

M. Schomaker, James Taylor, E. L. Gochia, N. A.

Boone, H. J. Speeter, A. N. Mauren, A.

B. Byrnes, F. G. Miller, J. H.

Blaisdell, G. E. Brenner, W. A. Alex.

ander, A. B. Beamish, P. J. Krumholz, Elmer Hanvik and L.

V. Caffery. John Siebel, instructor of oratory and dramatic art, acted as master of ceremonies. The program included selections by the school orchestra directed by Brother Anthony, a violin and harp duet by Miss Mary Eugenia North and Miss Mary Tomlinson; tap dance by Hector Dupont, vocal solo by John Kelly, selections by the school trio, including Bernard VanDemark, John Kelly and James O'Rourke; vocal solo by Edward Cutter, addresses by Rev. James M.

Reardon, Brothers Richlard, Eugene and James, and Bernard VanDemark, president of the 1931 class. John Baader of 1932 class, played the piano accompaniments. Among guests were many Christian Brothers of the faculty at De La Salle and Cretin high schools, and Rev. James and Rev. Donald J.

Gormley Thomas Gallagan, college; Rev. William A. Brand, assistant pastor at the Basilica of St. Mary; students of De La Salle, their parents and several alumni of the school. The affair was given as a testimonial of gratitude and esteem in honor of Brother Richard, who has served as director of the school four consecutive years, and who is leaving for an extended trip abroad, accompanied by Brother Eugene, director of school athletics, and Reverend Brother James, a member of De La Salle faculty.

in G. A. R. SECRETARY IS ARRANGING FOR PARADE Mrs. Wynette Searle, department secretary of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, is arranging a living flag to be portrayed by 300 school children who will take part in the Memorial day exercises.

They will march in the parade lead by Uncle Sam impersonated by Mrs. Estelle Nichols. Little Madeline Layman, Dow Damon and Dorothy Bruce will also take part. The school children will give a group of songs at the afternoon program in the auditorium and will be directed by Miss Joy Nichols with Dr. Evelyn Broe at the piano.

MOTHERS' AND WIVES' CLUB TO GIVE PARTY The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' and Wives' club will give its annual spring benefit bridge party at the chapter house, 915 University avenue S.E. on Tuesday afternoon, June 2. Mrs. Herman Liss is in charge of general arrangements, and Mmes. Harry Green, Herman Koff, and Arthur Zekman are on the refreshment committee.

REGENT'S UNIT of the D.A.R. will hold its final meeting of the year in the community room of Lincoln Bank building on Wednesday, at 10 a.m. Election of officers will be held. Mrs. Floyd Bennison, chair.

man; Mrs. A. H. Peterson, secretary, and Mrs. O.

J. Fowler, treasurer, are the retiring officers. Mrs. F. H.

Wackerman, chairman of the work at Veterans' hospital, Fort Snelling, will make report of the extension work done by the chapters in makling comfort kits for the veterans. The past year's home classes in English financed by the D.A.R. began in October, 1930, and ended April 30, 1931. Thirty women have been enrolled with Mrs. H.

B. Torbinson as instructor. The report follows: "Twenty of these women were unable to read or write in any language. When the classes closed, each one could write her name and address, also the names of her children, and read a few simple words, as street car names, traffic signals, and public signs such as danger, entrance, exit and information. The others were able to read but needed to learn to write and spell.

They particularly wished to learn how to read and answer notices that came from school. By the close of the school year three women had been transferred to evening school for more advanced work. Three others could write simple letters. Every mother of this group can now read the notices that are sent home from school and can reply by action if not by letter. "Among the mothers taught dur.

ing this year three secured their first papers, and four women made sufficient progress that they were able to petition for their second papers. One was admitted to citizenship. "Through the Minneapolis Council of Americanization with which the D.A.R. unit is affiliated, five visual education programs were given dur. ing the winter.

On account of D.A.R. participation in this project, it was possible to secure tickets for the women pupils and their families. "In February, the English class at Margaret Barry house, composed largely of Italian women, entertained at a. spaghetti dinner. The guests of honor included Mrs.

Carl Thayer, representative of the D.A.R.: Miss Katherine Kohler, director of the extension division, and Mrs. George Mo, from both the D.A.R. and the extension division, and Mrs. C. F.

Dick, state D.A.R., Americanism chairman. The object of this dinner was to create a better understanding between the women and the organizations that are helping them to get the education denied them in their youth. The mothers realize that without D.A.R. support they probably could not have a home teacher." ST. BRIDGET'S PLANS FOR CHICKEN LUNCHEON Plans are being completed for a chicken luncheon to be given at St.

Bridget's auditorium, Thirty eighth Emerson avenues Monday, June 1, at 1 o'clock. The colors. orchid and yellow, will be carried out in the diningroom. Iris will be the flowers used. Mrs.

E. R. Welch, president of the Rosary society, will act as chairman with various committees assisting her. Assisting Mrs. Winfield Turner at the door will be Mmes.

Malloy Neary, R. E. Hart, J. L. Smith, A Zapf, Edward McCann, T.

A. Murphy and Joseph Mason. The ticket committee includes Mmes. 0. C.

Edwards, Frank Laqua, J. J. Etzell, Henry Shutrop, Charles Amundsen, Thomas Connoy, Charles Wilder. Oliver Pepin, J. B.

Gile, E. M. rigan, I. L. Hunt, John Goga, Ai Holzer, S.

Kenny, H. F. Burns, E. J. Stayskill, W.

Therres and Thomas Miller. Mmes. Charles Charest and M. M. Page have the diningroom with Mmes.

W. J. Portlance, Carl deen, Al Cochran, Edward Noonan, Joseph Pelletier, Joseph Grande, Isa. Doran, Stephen Miller, Peter Miller, A. O.

Barth, Joseph Sullivan, Edward Connolly, Edward Lynch, George Otley, J. D. Hoffman, Edward Kennedy, Frank Behrndt, J. J. Neeson, Frank: Guider, G.

Reinhardt, E. J. Mitchell, L. Bentz, C. A.

Hetter, A. Heilinger, George Irving, Edward Clark, Edward Gonyea, Frank Seifert, Joseph Babic, Joseph Cox, N. L. Remilard, L. Reichl, For.

est Bulman, Louis St. Marie, W. R. Davis, A. LeBeau, Robert Thomas, Eugene Stetler, Art Mingo, Edward Miller, Ralph Willard, Henry Cyr, Frank Thole, Frank Miller and Miss Marian Miller assisting them.

Mmes. Andrew Breen, Joseph Lotti, Carl Hanle and Henry Lynch have charge of the card tables. The door and table prizes are in charge of Mmes. M. J.

McMahon, Anthony Johnson, John Blinn, John McGrath and Mayme DeWanz. The refreshment committee includes Mmes. G. L. Chowen, George Rochel, Harry Wargin, M.

F. Campbell, Catherine May, Thomas O'Brien, Dan O'Keefe, Dan Mulholland, Henry Durrand and A. LaBresche, Several hundred reshand, ervations have been made. The MRS. KENTNER WILSON" Alpha Chi Omega sorority, was married on the University of Minnesota today.

Mr. Omega, was married in Huron, S. May 16, will gradaute this year at Minnesota. Mr. Minneapolis after a trip in the Black Hills.

D.K.E. Members Give House Party This Week-end Clarence Cushman of St. Paul Is in Charge of Affair THE ANNUAL Delta Kappa Epsilon spring formal, to be held on the traditional Memorial day date, will form of a house party this year. It will be held at Perry mound, Balsam lake, Wis. A dinner tomorrow evening will formally open the party and will be followed by the formal dance.

Clarence Cushman of St. Paul is in charge of the party, assisted by Carter Kuehn, Falls, S. and Joe Hartzell of Minneapolis. Chaperones will include Dr. and Mrs.

A. S. Wyatt and Mr. and C. R.

made for the members their Thiss. Arrangements have, been guests to use the golf and tennis courts. The party will last until Sunday afternoon. An attendance of about 35 couples is expected, including members of the active chapter and alumni. The formal opening of the new Delta Kappa Epsilon house took place last Tuesday in the form of an alumni smoker, with about 100 alumni members attending.

E. E. Nicholson, dean of student affairs, brief resume of the history of the fraternity at Minnesota and told about the turning over of the house to the active chapter by R. L. Meech, president of the Northern D.K.E.

association, and its acceptance by John Barwise, head of the house. The former fraternity house had its opening about 25 years ago at this time. Various inspection tours of the house followed the program. DELEGATES ARE NAMED FOR STATE ENCAMPMENT Mmes. Tuffley, Elizabeth Heim, Marion Swale, Esther Jacob.

Mable, son, Clara Cunningham, Genevieve Marschner and Leona Ireland were elected as delegates from James Baltentine auxiliary No. 246, Veterans of Foreign Wars, to attend the state encampment to be held July' 9, 10 and 11 at Waseca. Alternates include Mmes. Myrtle Mudge, Helen Martin, Myrtle Cole, Hazel Cronk, Clyde Withrop and Emily Olson. An entertainment for those who participated in the poppy drive from the auxiliary will be given this ning in the clubrooms.

at Royal Ar. canum hall. Margaret Quehl, president of the auxiliary, was chair. man, assisted by the following captains: Mmes. Sophia Card.

Eugene Sullivan, Catherine Esther Jacobson, Mable Lillian Schmitt and A. Boultner. Russell Courtney will be in charge of the program. GIRL RESERVE GROUPS TO COMPLETE ACTIVITY The coming week brings the year's close of Girl Reserve activities in the schools, and is marked by a se. ries of final events.

Several farewell parties for graduating Girl Reserves are being held. On Wednesday, June 3, Sidney Pratt Girl Reserve club honors Jean Allison, Elaine Anderson, Gayle Brady, Genevieve Chapman, Kathryn Decker, Kathleen Heaton, Ebba Ver. ner and Catherine Young. On Thursday, June 4, a Backward party will be held in honor of MaComb, Elizabeth Horne, Grayce Quam, Hilda Scott, Alethe Ann ThoIrene Turk, Gretchen Van Valkenburg and Antoinette Comia, of Bryn Mawr Girl Reserve club. Emerson club graduating members are Lucille Hickok, Claudine Flannigan, Maudie Halverson and Jewell Jandron, who will be guests of honor at a weiner roast on Monday, June 1, following the installation of the club officers fur the fall term.

The new officers are Betty Jane Byrnes, president; Betty Hansen, vice Elizabeth Carter, seegetary, and Star by Miller. April 12, acStrombotne bea fact which Wilson belongs Applications for Marriage Licenses May 28, 1931 LEE D. BONA, 21, New Brighton, MARY GRATZ, 21, 1710 Sixth street' N. A. FRED JOHNSON, legal, 2600 E.

Franklin avenue; ESTER M. SON. ESON, 1313 W. Twenty-sixth street. VERLE D.

BRIGHT, legal, 3724 Pillsbury avenue; MARIE OLSON, 4436 Fifth avenue S. HENRY H. WERP, 27, 1519 Linden avenue MARIE L. SAND. BECK, 20, 196 Logan avenue N.

FRANKLIN L. WILLEY, 37, 817 Fourth avenue MARGARET K. LAGREW, 32, 88 Royalston avenue north. GEORGE E. JEWELL, 63, Brookside, OLIVE HAGMAN, 59, same.

OSCAR JOHNSON, legal, Farming. ton, EFFIE WADMAN, 3329 Garfield avenue. HARLAND G. BERTELSON, 22, 3953 Twenty-third avenue MAX. INE L.

DAVIS, 18, 3064 Thirty third avenue S. JOHN D. MLINAR, 26, 1602 Fifth street N.E.; ELLEN HIGGINS, 23, same. TOBIAS L. BERNTSON, Dunbar, Iowa; FLORENCE THORESON, legal, 5037 Xerxes avenue S.

RALPH K. TOUCHETTE, 22, Robbinsdale, DELORES J. GRAPE, 19, same. FRED J. HIGGINS, legal, 2900 Thirtieth avenue GUIDA NELSON, 2896 James avenue S.

CARL V. CHELLQUIST, 32, Way. zata, ASTRID G. LINDAHL, 22, 4712 Fifth avenue S. CHARLES J.

FILZEN, legal, 2710 Second avenue IDA E. DAHLMAN, 4800 Fremont avenue S. FREDERICK G. PAVIS, legal, Lincoln Placer, EDITH K. HARRIS, 1305 Twenty ninth avenue N.E.

GEORGE W. BOOS. 26, 4848 Lake Harriet boulevard; ELIZABETH D. CARPENTER, 24, 121 W. Franklin avenue.

JOSEPH P. CHRISTIAN, 33, Richfield station; LORRAINE C. PAHL, 21, 5635 Twenty-Arst avenue S. LLOYD H. WAGNER.

30, 900 Summit avenue; RUTH E. WIX. SON, 28, 2615 Park avenue. A. THEODORE GOERLICH, legal, St.

Paul; CELESTE JOHNSON, Wayzata, Minn. WILLIAM BOHLER, 35, 306 T.vndale avenue GLADYS LIND. STROM, 28, 3515 Thirty avenue S. CLYDE D. LANEY.

33, 1923 Fifth avenue MARIE ZELINSKE, 30, 2430 Fifth avenue S. ROBERT L. NASH, 27, 2215 Irv. ing avenue MARCELLA R. MARFIELD, 24, 1784 Dupont avenue DONALD C.

FREDGREN, legal, 711 Fifth avenue S.E.: VIOLET R. LUNDBORG, 3013 Second avenue S. BERNARD ZEBRO, 24, 2856 Randolph street N.E.: CATHERINE KUBIK, 20, 2956 Randolph street N.E. TOM JACOBS, 49, 110 First avenue N.E.: ZEHIA ABRAHAM, 49, 419 Third avenue N.E. HARRY J.

CARLSON, 22. 1117 fourteenth avenue S.E.; PEARL ARTHUR, 20, 2119 James avenue N. LOUIS LANGO AUXILIARY CHARTER MEMBERS NAMED Mrs. Norman Rebney, Fifth district president, has announced the organization of a unit to Louis Lango post No. 303, Minneapolis.

The following are the charter members: Mmes. Clara Scavo, Margaret Kotek, Flora Brame, Anna Bianchi, Evelyn Terry, P. G. Paone, Marie Delmonico, Dave Piazza, JenStrangis, Donato Mezzanga, Ernest Lindblom, Mary Mancini, and the Misses Theresa Paone and Angeline Delmonico. MRS.

ROSE BERGSENG PLANS FOR MEMORIAL DAY Mrs. Rose Bergseng, department president of Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, is the chairman of observance of, Memorial day. The convention for the group opens Jane 28 at Hotel Lowig, R. Pack Mary Vallely, treasurer. Outgoing officers are Doris Christopherson, president; Joyce Tunnell, vice president; Mary Vallely, secretary, and Elizabeth Carter, treasurer.

Also on Monday Washburn Junior club gives a picnic at Lake Harriet for Girl Reserves graduating from Windom school, and installs as officers Janette Hays as president; Esser, vice president; Charlotte Derby, secretary, and Mary Walsh, treasurer. Other clubs installing new officers are Washburn Blue Triangle holding an installation on Wednesday, June 3, for Beryl Stephens, president; Ann Brinby, vice president; Jane Forster, secretary; Betty Reinhard, treasurer: Alyce Zeigler, Interclub Council delegate. Central club on Monday, when Mrs. Helen K. Gamble, club advisor, will give a talk to seniors.

Marshall club on Tuesday installing Katherine Perine as president. West Blue Triangle with Phyllis Yohe, president; Mildred Forster, vice president; Marion Carpenter, secretary; Olga Kuchynka, treasurer. West Silver triangle installing as president Harriet Horr; vice president, Gene Adams; secretary, Katherine Avery; treasury, Marvel Christian, at the home of Priscilla Rittenhouse at Minnetonka Mills on Tues. day. HOWE SCHOOL MOTHERS WILL GIVE SILVER TEA The Mothers' club of the Howe school will give a silver tea on Wednesday, June 3, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

The Girls' Glee club will sing several numbers. Miss Lucille Doepke will play a piano solo, the Misses Theodora Agather and Ethel Nord will play a saxophone duet, and Mrs. C. Sauer will sing. Proceeds of the tea will be given to the Public School Child Welfare.

MISS NELL ZIFF IS MADE HADASSAH HEAD Miss Nell Ziff was elected preet. dent of Junior Hadassah to succeed Miss Rae Berman at a meeting held Monday evening at Beth El gogue. The meeting preceded the program entertainment and tea for mothers of Junior Hadassah bers. Other officers elected include Miss Ruth Harris, first vice president; Miss Elsie Glick, second vice prest. dent; Miss Cecelia Levitt, correspondling secretary; Miss Ruth Rudick, treasurer; Miss Lilliam Alpoert, foancial secretary; Miss Eva Gottlelb, recording secretary; the Misses Goldie Kroman, Sara Kaplan and Bess Berger, additional board members.

This was the last meeting until fall. Among the outstanding cultur. al activities of the season have been two groups in Hebrew under the direction of the Misses Frances Goldberg and Nettie Barzon Elazar and class in Jewish History under the direction of Rabbi David Aronson, and a cultural program at each meeting carrying out Jewish festivals and holidays. Miss Nettie Barzon Elazar is chairman of cultural activities. Among the outstanding social activi.

ties of which Misses Helen Berg and Mildred Horwitz are co-chairmen, are a weiner roast, a studio party, a formal dancing party, a bridge in the early and the cabaret ball which took place on April 9. Miss Rae Ber. man, president, announced that the Minneapolis chapter will be recorded as having a perfect record, having fulfilled every quota allotted. ANNOUNCING: The most 'advanced showing of distinguished period designs and AT THE MERCHANDISE MART interpretations of Living-room Furniture ever CHICAGO, ILL. assembled under one sponsor.

AFTER JUNE 1s This display is the result of six month's constant research for a greater and enduring comfort and the creation of unusual designs in keeping with today's decorating trends. We will show, for the first time, the Ex-tot-ic Seat and back cushion and the new and improved Unit Construction AT OUR FACTORY DISPLAYS (Pat. Both introduce a new comfort- a sense of body. MINNEAPOLS, MINN fitting comfort that impels relaxation. KANSAS CITY, MO.

Among the interesting designs are an unusual collection AFTER JUNE 1 of sofas and complementary chairs and new groupings of Scandinavian Peasant Furniture and hand-decorated Louis XV and Venetian pieces. Furniture dealers may see this display either in Chicago or at our factories. The public may see it at our factories if accompanied by a leading dealer. You are cordially invited to de at any time. LEVIN BROTHERS CREATORS OF FINE FURNITURE SINCE 1896.

The Minneapolis Star from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2025)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.